Product Details
Lunar Cycle Banner
Sized for Viewing Throughout the Class
- Displays names of eight phases
Sized for Viewing Throughout the Class
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How do Forensic Scientists Analyze Blood Spatter?Both introductory and advanced kits have been aligned with all published National Standards. Pre- and Post-laboratory assessments and vocabulary words all target specific Science and Engineering Practices and common core standards. The teacher guide also contains specific “Did You Know” concepts that link the real world with scientific standards explored. A student copymaster is also included. Both activities include enough materials for eight student setups.
• Aligned to NGSS Physical Science DCI PS2• Pre and post laboratory assessments• Linked to a real world scenario• Estimated class/lab time required: 120 minutes in 3 or 4 class periods
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Ideal for Use on Textured SurfacesFeaturing a thick, pliable padding that is over 20 times as thick as standard lifting tapes, this fingerprint tape is ideal for lifting details from uneven and textured surfaces.
• Apply the tape initially as you would normal lifting tape, but expect extraordinarily detailed prints.
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Is the victim a male or female?
This lab provides students with experience with the process of epiphyseal union as well as using Vernier calipers.
• NGSS Life Science DCIs LS1, and LS2.• Pre- and post-laboratory assessments• Links to a real world scenario• Estimated class/lab time required: 45-60 minutes
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Perfect Prints Every TimeSimply peel back the covering on these pre-inked strips and you’re ready to start taking fingerprints.
• Size: 1″ x 5″• Package of 200
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Employ Forensics to Stop a Terrorist PlotYour students can become agents in charge of preventing a terror attack in this real life simulation as they perform tests that have become customary in the fight against terrorist plots.
• Students Apply Science Principles and Relate the Conclusion to a Criminal Investigation• Case-Based Scenario
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Can broken glass crack the case?
This lab demonstrates how intrinsic properties of glass can be used to distinguish common types of glass.
• NGSS Physical Science DCIs PS1, PS3• Pre and post-laboratory assessments• Links to real world concepts• Estimated class/lab time required: 160 minutes over 2-4 days
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Includes Everything Needed to Measure Trajectories at Crime Scenes
• Reuseable Materials• Math and Physics Intensely Used
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Lift Prints Anywhere, Anytime• Mess-free Record Keeping• Convenient Carrying Case
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Release Powder Easily, Even OverheadA favorite among teachers and students, this ergonomically-designed magnetic applicator has a powerful magnet to hold a large amount of magnetic powder.
• Easy Release• Ergonomical design
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Collect Evidence like the ExpertsGather forensic evidence like a pro with these kits of basic materials and equipment. Lead your class in a series of crime scene simulations and ensure proper collection and documentation techniques by providing high quality supplies.
• Necessary Supplies for Investigations In One Comprehensive Package• Replacements Available• Equipment only (does not include activities)
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