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Aluminum Tensile Sample
Aluminum Tensile SampleSet of 10 Aluminum tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
AmmeterRugged, user-friendly instrument that is easy for the students to read.Measures direct current as well as alternating current.The instrument is electronically overload protected.Equipped with 4 mm safety sockets.
Ammeter 2R/A 0-1/0-5A DC
Ammeter 2R/A 0-1/0-5A DCStudent type analogue, 2 ranges, 0-1A & 0-5A, DC
Ammeter, digital, 2 A, DC
Ammeter, digital, 2 A, DCA student-friendly digital DC ammeter with a 3½ digit LCD display.
Ammonion ISE Solutions
Ammonion ISE SolutionsThese solutions are used with the Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode.
Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode
Ammonium Ion Selective ElectrodeThis ISE connects to the Wireless pH Sensor and allows students to measure ammonium concentration in an aqueous solution.
Ampere’s Law
Ampere’s LawStudents can verify Ampere’s Law experimentally by graphing the magnetic field strength that is tangent to the path taken along a closed path that encloses a current source.
Ampere’s Law Accessory
Ampere’s Law AccessoryStudents can verify Ampere’s Law experimentally by graphing the magnetic field strength that is tangent to the path taken along a closed path that encloses a current source.
Amusement Park Physics Kit (15 Pack)
Amusement Park Physics Kit (15 Pack)Students become the dynamics carts at an amusement park and gain a real “gut-level” appreciation for Newton’s Laws with Vertical and Horizontal Accelerometers.
Analog 8-Pin DIN Extension Male-to-Male Adapter
Analog 8-Pin DIN Extension Male-to-Male AdapterA 1.8 M accessory cable, this is an analog 8-Pin DIN extension Male-to-Male adapter.
Analog ELVIS Adapter
Analog ELVIS AdapterAllows the use of PASCO analog sensors with National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumental Suite.
Angle Connector Spares
Angle Connector SparesReplacement connectors for the Structures System.
Angle Indicator
Angle IndicatorFastens to the T-Slot of a dynamics track with hanging brass plumb bob for angle indicator.
Animal and Plant Cells Slide Set
Animal and Plant Cells Slide SetCompare and contrast animal and plant cells
Animal Bites
Animal BitesThis fun, thought-provoking learning experience uses 9 museum-quality casts to teach students about diversity in diet in the animal kingdom.
Animal cell, standard
Animal cell, standardThe model shows the typical structure of an animal cell. It shows the cell membrane, the cytoplasm and a number of organelles and structures.
Animal cells, 12 microslides
Animal cells, 12 microslidesSeries of 12 selected preparations of various animal cell tissues. Supplied in a preparation box.
Annealed Steel Tensile Sample
Annealed Steel Tensile SampleSet of 10 annealed steel tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
Ant nest
Ant nestThe life of ants is very interesting and with this ant farm you can get really close to the ants.