Product Details
Aperture holder for Reuter lamp
Holder for apertures, colour filters and the like.
The aperture holder is mounted on the Reuter lamp’s lens socket, can swivel and accepts apertures mounted in standard slides.
Holder for apertures, colour filters and the like.
The aperture holder is mounted on the Reuter lamp’s lens socket, can swivel and accepts apertures mounted in standard slides.
Allows students to measure angular velocity, acceleration, centripetal forces, and other full range of motion experiments.
Replacement Spheres and collars for the Gravitational Torsion Balance (AP-8215A). Designed to convert to Tungsten while maintaining the proper large sphere dimensions.
Includes 80 experiments in mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics, electricity and magnetism. CD included.
Set of plastic replacement coupons of varying strengths, designed for use with PASCO’s Stress/Strain Apparatus.
Allows students to conduct experiments to measure the speed of light. Reflect a laser off a movable mirror into a light receiver to measure phase differences.
Replacement test coupons for the Stress/Strain Apparatus.
Allows students to mount Rotary Motion Sensors to the Rotating Platform or Gyroscope.
Designed for experiments involving low light level conditions. ScienceWorkshop version.
PASCO’s Light Sensor is ideal for indoor and outdoor relative light intensity experiments.
An extra 3-step Pulley for PASCO’s Rotary Motion Sensors.
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