Product Details
Lunar Cycle Banner
Sized for Viewing Throughout the Class
- Displays names of eight phases
Sized for Viewing Throughout the Class
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Employ Forensics to Stop a Terrorist PlotYour students can become agents in charge of preventing a terror attack in this real life simulation as they perform tests that have become customary in the fight against terrorist plots.
• Students Apply Science Principles and Relate the Conclusion to a Criminal Investigation• Case-Based Scenario
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Merge Scientific Method with Literacy In the Ultimate “Whodunnit”Clues continue to unfold as students become critical readers in this engaging lab activity.
• Includes a reference poster with clues and a CD-ROM containing all required print material
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Deduce, Try, and Convict the CulpritThe school mascot is taken. There’s a note, some strange-looking leaves, a mouth guard and some white fibers left at the scene. Who took the mascot?
• Includes enough material for 30 students, a teacher’s guide, student worksheets and casebooks.
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Record a Complete Profile of Your Suspects• Keep your suspect’s information consolidated in one area• Record both fingerprints and personal information• Fast ink absorption
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Realistic Pictures Help in IdentificationMany different tools and their respective marks are highlighted on this explanatory poster.
• Size: 24″ x 36″
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Collect Evidence like the ExpertsGather forensic evidence like a pro with these kits of basic materials and equipment. Lead your class in a series of crime scene simulations and ensure proper collection and documentation techniques by providing high quality supplies.
• Necessary Supplies for Investigations In One Comprehensive Package• Replacements Available• Equipment only (does not include activities)
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Professional-Grade Pad Eliminates the Clean-Up Associated with InkLeave sharp, black fingerprints on any paper without creating a mess.
• Easy cleanup• Professional grade• Use for forensic studies and fingerprint analysis
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Can broken glass crack the case?
This lab demonstrates how intrinsic properties of glass can be used to distinguish common types of glass.
• NGSS Physical Science DCIs PS1, PS3• Pre and post-laboratory assessments• Links to real world concepts• Estimated class/lab time required: 160 minutes over 2-4 days
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Use multiple forms of evidence analysis.Poor puppy Plato was dognapped. Now that he is safely back home, it’s time to test the evidence and determine the culprit of the canine caper.
• Test the evidence and determine the culprit• Six different activities
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Classify Firearms From Bullet AppearanceFocusing on bullet comparison and the marks associated with the comparisons, this poster outlines how to identify firearms involved in crimes from looking at the bullets fired.
• Size: 24″ x 36″
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