After School Program: To the Max Kids 8 Week Heart Rate Program
After School Program: To the Max Kids 8 Week Heart Rate Program$0.00Already Added
After School Program: To the Max Kids 8 Week Heart Rate Program
After School Program: To the Max Kids 8 Week Heart Rate ProgramThe online course is for any individual seeking to become a Certified Heart Zones Youth Fitness Instructor, CHZT Youth Fitness Instructor.
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Maximum Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)
Maximum Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)$0.00Already Added
Maximum Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)
Maximum Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)Use these small sized cards for each of your different sport-specific maximum heart rate activities.
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Maximum Heart Rate Wall Chart
Maximum Heart Rate Wall ChartThis bright colorful new full color chart can adorn the wall of your workout area, health club, indoor cycling studio, or anywhere that you want the message to train in the max zones to be displayed.
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Threshold Field Test Packet (4 cards)
Threshold Field Test Packet (4 cards)There are three different field tests for threshold with a workout card to match.
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Threshold Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)
Threshold Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)$0.00Add to Quote
Threshold Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)
Threshold Heart Rate Cards (10 per pack)Get the new Threshold Training full-color cards (4.25_ by 6_) with training zone numbers on the front and threshold zones on the back
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Threshold Wall Chart
Threshold Wall ChartThis attractive jumbo size full color wall chart is the heart of the Threshold Training System because it shows you what happens in each of the five different intensity zones.
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ZONES Wall Chart
ZONES Wall ChartThis full color chart is excellent to get to the ?heart? of cardio training because it tells you what happens within each of the five heart zones
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ZONING 10 Pack
ZONING 10 PackUse this card to carry with you the three different zones and why to train in them
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ZONING Fitness in a Blink Book
ZONING Fitness in a Blink BookAre you ready to get fit and fitter? Are you ready to say goodbye to fad diets and fitness programs that don’t deliver? Are you ready to ditch boring workouts for fun, energizing activities?
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ZONING Fitness in a Blink Wall Chart
ZONING Fitness in a Blink Wall ChartThis full color wall chart can be displayed in every cardio room at your facility, home, or school.
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ZONING Workout Field Test Cards (4 Cards)
ZONING Workout Field Test Cards (4 Cards)$0.00Add to Quote
ZONING Workout Field Test Cards (4 Cards)
ZONING Workout Field Test Cards (4 Cards)The easy-to-carry packet includes 3 full-color cards (4.25_ by 6_) with training zone numbers on the front and threshold zones on the back
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