SPARK LXi2 Datalogger
SPARK LXi2 Datalogger$0.00Already Added
SPARK LXi2 Datalogger
SPARK LXi2 DataloggerThis is a Bluetooth, handheld science datalogger that lets students connect multiple wired and wireless sensors, collect data, generate live graphs, and perform data analysis.
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Stage micrometer
Stage micrometerUnit: Pcs
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Standard Magnetic Applicator
Standard Magnetic ApplicatorRelease Powder Easily, Even OverheadA favorite among teachers and students, this ergonomically-designed magnetic applicator has a powerful magnet to hold a large amount of magnetic powder.
• Easy Release• Ergonomical design
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Stereomicroscope Trio-123
Stereomicroscope Trio-123This new stereomicroscope is characterized by a nice design with a practical carrying handle, along with sensible specifications.
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Stereomicroscope Trio-124
Stereomicroscope Trio-124This new stereomicroscope is characterized by a nice design with a practical carrying handle, along with sensible specifications.
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The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab Activity
The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab Activity$0.00Add to Quote
The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab Activity
The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab ActivityDeduce, Try, and Convict the CulpritThe school mascot is taken. There’s a note, some strange-looking leaves, a mouth guard and some white fibers left at the scene. Who took the mascot?
• Includes enough material for 30 students, a teacher’s guide, student worksheets and casebooks.
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The Crime Scene Lab Activity
The Crime Scene Lab ActivityApply Multiple Forensic Procedures
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Toolmark ID Poster
Toolmark ID PosterRealistic Pictures Help in IdentificationMany different tools and their respective marks are highlighted on this explanatory poster.
• Size: 24″ x 36″
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Toolmark Identification Kit
Toolmark Identification KitExamine the Interaction of Tools and Objects With Which They Come in ContactExplore various types of tools, marks made by those tools, and the comparison process used in analyzing tool marks with this comprehensive kit.
• Experience Many Materials
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Top Shelf Science: Forensics
Top Shelf Science: ForensicsTop Resource for Introductory Forensics Classroom
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Trajectory Kit
Trajectory KitIncludes Everything Needed to Measure Trajectories at Crime Scenes
• Reuseable Materials• Math and Physics Intensely Used
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Transport box for stereomicroscope
Transport box for stereomicroscope$0.00Add to Quote
Ward’s® Examining Forensic Science Poster
Ward’s® Examining Forensic Science Poster$0.00Add to Quote
Ward’s® Examining Forensic Science Poster
Ward’s® Examining Forensic Science PosterDemonstrate Real World Applications of Conventional Science
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Ward’s® Fingerprint Classification Chart
Ward’s® Fingerprint Classification Chart$0.00Add to Quote
Ward’s® Fingerprint Classification Chart
Ward’s® Fingerprint Classification ChartLearn How Forensic Scientists Classify Types
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Ward’s® Drag Sled
Ward’s® Drag SledApply Coefficient of Friction Principles to Your Forensics LessonsDetermine the amount of force necessary to create different tire skid marks. Taking into account the composition of the ground or roadway surface, and the weight of the vehicle, this revolutionary sled establishes the force that created specific tire skid marks.
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Ward’s® Evidence Collection Kit
Ward’s® Evidence Collection KitCollect Evidence like the ExpertsGather forensic evidence like a pro with these kits of basic materials and equipment. Lead your class in a series of crime scene simulations and ensure proper collection and documentation techniques by providing high quality supplies.
• Necessary Supplies for Investigations In One Comprehensive Package• Replacements Available• Equipment only (does not include activities)
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Ward’s® Fingerprint Types Slide Set
Ward’s® Fingerprint Types Slide SetIdentify Individual Friction Ridge Patterns
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Ward’s® Gunshot Residue Presumptive Test
Ward’s® Gunshot Residue Presumptive Test$0.00Add to Quote
Ward’s® Gunshot Residue Presumptive Test
Ward’s® Gunshot Residue Presumptive TestColorimetric test for trace evidence.This simple, two-part presumptive test will help you quickly determine whether or not a surface has recently been exposed to a discharged firearm.
• Grades 9-12• Estimated class/lab time required: 30 minutes
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Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic Simulation
Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic Simulation$0.00Already Added
Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic Simulation
Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic SimulationStudents use observational and analytical skills to find out “Whodunit.”A crime has been committed at 323 Maple Street, and your class is the team of investigators assigned to find out where the crime took place, if the criminal acted alone, and even the type of clothing worn by each suspect.
• Grades 6-12• Real World Case Based Scenario• Combination of 6 Activities
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