Statics Materials & Strain
Acrylic Tensile Sample
Acrylic Tensile SampleSet of 10 acrylic tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
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Aluminum Tensile Sample
Aluminum Tensile SampleSet of 10 Aluminum tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
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Annealed Steel Tensile Sample
Annealed Steel Tensile SampleSet of 10 annealed steel tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
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Bounce/No Bounce Ball Set (3 pack)
Bounce/No Bounce Ball Set (3 pack)These two black spheres look and feel identical, but drop them side by side and students will notice a big difference in their elasticity.
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Brass Tensile Sample
Brass Tensile SampleSet of 10 brass tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
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Compression Samples
Compression SamplesSet of 20 polyethylene samples for compression testing.
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Equal Arm Balance
Equal Arm BalanceSimplify the study of torque by adding weights at different distances to provide different magnitudes of torque.
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Matter Model
Matter ModelThe atoms of the Matter Model are brightly colored spheres with the bonds between the atoms modeled by springs, so that when forces are applied, the atoms can move in response.
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Metre Stick Torque Set
Metre Stick Torque SetFor torque experiments with a meter stick balance
- 1x Pivot
- 1x Meter Stick Torque Mass Hanger Set
- 1x Aluminum Meter Stick
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Polyethylene Tensile Sample
Polyethylene Tensile SampleSet of 10 polyethylene tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
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Pulley Demonstration System
Pulley Demonstration SystemFrom the wheels on a bicycle to the gears in a car, the Pulley Demonstration System helps explain how things work.
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Replacement Test Coupons (Full Set)
Replacement Test Coupons (Full Set)Replacement test coupons for the Stress/Strain Apparatus.
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Shear Samples
Shear SamplesSet of three each of 1/8″ diameter aluminum, brass, and mild steel samples.
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Spring Scale — Introductory Mechanics
Spring Scale — Introductory MechanicsRobust and improved design replacement spring scale for the Statics System (ME-9502).
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Statics Board
Statics BoardWritable magnetic white board for use with Statics System, designed to study mechanics.
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Statics Components Package
Statics Components PackageAn assortment of equipment, including pulley and wheel assemblies, for statics experiments, designed for use with PASCO’s Statics Board and Spares Package.
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Statics Spares Package
Statics Spares PackageStatics Spares for use with Statics Components Package and containing replacement parts for the Statics System.
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Statics System
Statics SystemThe Statics System includes a magnetic whiteboard and components designed to teach the fundamentals of statics.
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Steel Tensile Sample
Steel Tensile SampleSet of 10 steel tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
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Super Pulley Force Table
Super Pulley Force TableThe Super Pulley Force Table facilitates the study of summed vector forces and allows students to resolve vectors into their components.
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