Thermal System Brass
Thermal System BrassThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g brass block (aluminium and steel also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40˚C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermal System Steel
Thermal System SteelThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g steel block (brass and aluminium also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40 C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermistor System
Thermistor SystemThis apparatus contains an NTC bead thermistor with a nominal resistance of 4.7kΩ in a glass tube with electrical connection made by means of 4mm flying leads.
Thermoelectric Generator Demonstrator
Thermoelectric Generator DemonstratorBring the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics to life.
Thermogenerator with motor
Thermogenerator with motorConsists of a Peltier element constructed of 127 series-connected rods of a semiconductor material mounted on a heatsink. The Peltier element can be connected via a switch to two safety sockets ( Peltier effect position ) or to a small motor with propeller ( Seebeck effect position ).
Thin I-Beams
Thin I-BeamsSet of replacement thin I-Beams in two lengths, for use with structures systems.
Thomson’s jumping ring
Thomson’s jumping ringFor demonstrating magnetic repulsion caused by the induction current in a closed ring.
Three-color LED light source
Three-color LED light sourceBattery-powered LED laser set consisting of red, green and violet colors. The set is connected with magnets. Batteries are included in the set.
Three-phase generator set
Three-phase generator setThis kit serves as a model of an alternator. The kit consists of two parts, an induction unit with three coils and a round magnet, as well as a variable motor unit that rotates the round magnet.
Time of Flight Accessory
Time of Flight AccessoryUse with a Photogate to capture time of flight data. Timing starts when object passes through photogate and stops when object impacts this landing pad. For use with PASPORT and ScienceWorkshop Interfaces.
Timer Light Gate
Timer Light GateAn infra-red beam, high speed light gate for use with Lascells timers. The attached cable is terminated by a 3.5mm jack plug which fits directly into the timer so that no other connections are required.
Timer weight, 0.5 kg
Timer weight, 0.5 kgNickel plated iron weights Ø 32 mm with attachment mechanism for ticker tape timer.
Torsion Bands (2 Pack) — Gravitational Torsion Balance
Torsion Bands (2 Pack) — Gravitational Torsion BalanceTorsion Bands (2 Pack) — Gravitational Torsion Balance
Torsion Bands (2 Pack) — Gravitational Torsion BalanceReplacement torsion bands for the Gravitational Torsion Balance (AP-8215A).
Track Rod Clamp
Track Rod ClampFastens to the T-Slot of a Dynamics track and accepts a 1/2 inch rod.
Track String Adapter
Track String AdapterThis adapter connects a dynamics cart and track to a string loop. The string loop moves with the cart and allows a Rotary Motion Sensor to calculate the linear motion of the cart.
Trans-RatioTrans-Ratio is a fully self-contained transformer system which enables students to investigate turns ratios and efficiency with the minimum of complication.
Triple Timer
Triple TimerThe Lascells Millisecond Triple Timer provides all the facilities required for dynamics timing. The three modes of operation are activated by START and STOP switch contacts (4mm sockets) or by using Lascells Light Gates which plug in directly, hence requiring no additional power supplies.
Truss Set
Truss SetEasily assemble the I-Beams into a variety of different trusses and structures.
Truss Set Members
Truss Set MembersSpare I-Beams and Connectors for Structures Systems.