Aluminium Foil Support Bar
Aluminium Foil Support BarA neat and effective way of supporting foil strips when demonstrating the attraction and repulsion of current carrying conductors.
Aluminum Meter Sticks (6 Pack)
Aluminum Meter Sticks (6 Pack)These hollow aluminum meter sticks are rigid and straight.
Aluminum Tensile Sample
Aluminum Tensile SampleSet of 10 Aluminum tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
AmmeterRugged, user-friendly instrument that is easy for the students to read.Measures direct current as well as alternating current.The instrument is electronically overload protected.Equipped with 4 mm safety sockets.
Ammeter 2R/A 0-1/0-5A DC
Ammeter 2R/A 0-1/0-5A DCStudent type analogue, 2 ranges, 0-1A & 0-5A, DC
Ammeter, digital, 2 A, DC
Ammeter, digital, 2 A, DCA student-friendly digital DC ammeter with a 3½ digit LCD display.
Ampere’s Law Accessory
Ampere’s Law AccessoryStudents can verify Ampere’s Law experimentally by graphing the magnetic field strength that is tangent to the path taken along a closed path that encloses a current source.
Amusement Park Physics Kit (15 Pack)
Amusement Park Physics Kit (15 Pack)Students become the dynamics carts at an amusement park and gain a real “gut-level” appreciation for Newton’s Laws with Vertical and Horizontal Accelerometers.
Angle Connector Spares
Angle Connector SparesReplacement connectors for the Structures System.
Angle Indicator
Angle IndicatorFastens to the T-Slot of a dynamics track with hanging brass plumb bob for angle indicator.
Annealed Steel Tensile Sample
Annealed Steel Tensile SampleSet of 10 annealed steel tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
Aperture holder for Reuter lamp
Aperture holder for Reuter lampHolder for apertures, colour filters and the like.
Aperture holder on base
Aperture holder on baseSuitable for apertures etc. mounted in 50 x 50 mm slides.Features a shielding plate, 80 x 120 mm, with a heavy, stable metal base.
Arc discharge rods with safety wires
Arc discharge rods with safety wiresFor demonstration of high voltage and the upward travel of the high voltage arc due to heat. For safety reasons, the climbing rain bars are built into insulating and protective plastic tubes with safety bushings. One rod is movable in a horizontal plane to be able to start the arc.
Archimedes cylinder set
Archimedes cylinder setFor demonstrating Archimedes law.Consists of a plastic weight with an eye and a transparent plastic container with two nylon loops: The upper loop is for suspension from a dynamometer or a balance, while the weight hangs from the lower loop.The plastic weight is immersed in water and therefore subject to buoyancy equivalent to the weight of the displaced volume of liquid.The buoyancy is compensated for by filling the plastic container with water.The inner volume of the container equals the volume of the plastic weight.
Archimedes Principle Experiment
Archimedes Principle ExperimentThe complete solution for exploring the dependence of the buoyant force on density, mass, and volume.
Armature with plug
Armature with plugTo be mounted on an air track glider.This spare part is a part of the 195210 Electric launcher.
Atmospheric Pressure Demonstrator
Atmospheric Pressure DemonstratorEasily demonstrate the effect of a pressure differential.
Atomic Spectra Experiment
Atomic Spectra ExperimentThe complete solution for measuring the wavelengths of the discrete lines of the atomic spectra of various gases using a grating spectrophotometer.
Atwood’s Machine Experiment
Atwood’s Machine ExperimentStudent experiment using changing velocity measurements to relate to Newton’s 2nd Law. This complete solution is designed for use with PASCO Capstone Software.