Product Details
Lunar Cycle Banner
Sized for Viewing Throughout the Class
- Displays names of eight phases
Sized for Viewing Throughout the Class
Colorimetric test for trace evidence.This simple, two-part presumptive test will help you quickly determine whether or not a surface has recently been exposed to a discharged firearm.
• Grades 9-12• Estimated class/lab time required: 30 minutes
How do Forensic Scientists Analyze Blood Spatter?Both introductory and advanced kits have been aligned with all published National Standards. Pre- and Post-laboratory assessments and vocabulary words all target specific Science and Engineering Practices and common core standards. The teacher guide also contains specific “Did You Know” concepts that link the real world with scientific standards explored. A student copymaster is also included. Both activities include enough materials for eight student setups.
• Aligned to NGSS Physical Science DCI PS2• Pre and post laboratory assessments• Linked to a real world scenario• Estimated class/lab time required: 120 minutes in 3 or 4 class periods
What Is It Like to Analyze a Crime Scene?This lab addresses several different approaches for conducting a crime scene investigation. Its scenario-based activity allows students to become detectives and determine “”whodunit”” while using Ward’s® completely safe Simulated Blood.
• NGSS Life Science DCIs LS1, LS3• Pre and post-laboratory assessments• Links to real world concepts• Estimated class/lab time required: 45 minutes over 1 day
Deduce, Try, and Convict the CulpritThe school mascot is taken. There’s a note, some strange-looking leaves, a mouth guard and some white fibers left at the scene. Who took the mascot?
• Includes enough material for 30 students, a teacher’s guide, student worksheets and casebooks.
Record a Complete Profile of Your Suspects• Keep your suspect’s information consolidated in one area• Record both fingerprints and personal information• Fast ink absorption
Helpful Ballstics Visual AidDemonstrate the essential aspects of forensic firearm identification using the detailed photographs of this poster.
• Size: 24″ x 36″
Examine the Interaction of Tools and Objects With Which They Come in ContactExplore various types of tools, marks made by those tools, and the comparison process used in analyzing tool marks with this comprehensive kit.
• Experience Many Materials
Merge Scientific Method with Literacy In the Ultimate “Whodunnit”Clues continue to unfold as students become critical readers in this engaging lab activity.
• Includes a reference poster with clues and a CD-ROM containing all required print material
Identify Individual Friction Ridge Patterns
Use Critical Thinking and Literacy Skills to Solve an Exciting Murder MysteryRichard Webster and his crack staff of software developers have locked themselves in a think tank until their ground-breaking computer program “Rosebud” is complete. When the doors finally open Webster’s dead body is discovered, apparently strangled by a mouse cord, and his prized program is erased.
• Activity includes a laminated reference poster with clues and a CD-ROM containing all required print material
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