Product Details
Animal and Plant Cells Slide Set
Compare and contrast animal and plant cells
- Identifying features clearly distinguishable
- Rigorous quality control standards
Compare and contrast animal and plant cells
This bundle expands on the Starter Bundle and includes an Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor, a Colorimeter, and more.
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Used for measuring the temperature of liquids, air, and other materials. ScienceWorkshop Version.
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A hands-free option for measuring heart rate before, during, and after physical activity.
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Vials contain a vacuum sealed color forming reagent to test a variety of water quality parameters. 30 individual Alkalinity test vials.
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The PASPORT Salinity Sensor works with the included Salinity Sensor Probe to measure salinity, conductivity and temperature.
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Easily measure heart rate before, during, and after exercise with the data transmitted wirelessly to your devices.
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Vials contain a vacuum sealed color forming reagent to test a variety of water quality parameters. 30 individual Chlorine test vials.
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Vials contain a vacuum sealed color forming reagent to test a variety of water quality parameters. 30 individual Nitrate test vials.
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A single polycarbonate chamber designed to integrate sensors for controlled-environment experiments such as fermentation and plant / cricket respiration.
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3 interconnectable polycarbonate chambers for building your own ecosystems. Designed to easily integrate sensors for quantitative environmental measurements.
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