Light & Optics
Meter Stick Optics Viewing Screen
Meter Stick Optics Viewing ScreenViewing screen for Meter Stick Optics System
Microwave Mounting Stand
Microwave Mounting StandHolds the receiver/amplifier and other objects for the Microwave Optics systems (WA-9314B, WA-9316).
Microwave Receiver
Microwave ReceiverThis Receiver with built-in Amplifier is used in the Microwave Optics systems (WA-9314C, WA-9316A).
Microwave Transmitter
Microwave TransmitterThis Transmitter is used in the Microwave Optics systems (WA-9314B, WA9316).
One-Way Mirror Model
One-Way Mirror ModelThe One-Way Mirror Model is a simple kit that helps students explore how a one-way mirror works. The model consists of a cardboard box divided into two rooms by a one-way mirror. A figurine is placed in each room as an object to view in the mirror. A light source is used to turn a light in each room on and off. The light source is dimmable to allow students to vary the amount of light in each room. Students make observations by looking through the viewports on the sides of the box.
Optics Caliper
Optics CaliperA light weight caliper designed to allow measurements in the dark during optical experiments.
PASPORT Educational Spectrophotometer
PASPORT Educational SpectrophotometerTeaches students basic optical principles and allows quantitative measurements that rival those of more expensive units. This is the PASPORT version.
Physics Lab Station: Optics
Physics Lab Station: OpticsThe Physics Lab Station: Optics bundle is a lab-ready solution for performing a wide range of optics experiments – from introductory investigations of lenses to advanced experiments in Snell’s Law. It includes a Basic Optics Ray Table, a Light Source, Concave and Convex Mirrors, and various lenses and accessories.
Polariser Demonstrator
Polariser DemonstratorDemonstrate the effect of crossed polarizers with these large round polarizers.
Polarizer Demonstration Accessory
Polarizer Demonstration AccessoryAdds a central platform and diffuser to polarizer demonstrator, show wavelength dependence of optical rotation.
Polarizer Set
Polarizer SetReplacement polarizer disks for the Beginning Optics System (OS-8459).
Precision Diffraction Slits
Precision Diffraction SlitsIncludes two slit wheels allowing students to examine various diffraction patterns.
Sensor-Based Diffraction System
Sensor-Based Diffraction SystemEnables students to scan many diffraction and interference patterns during one lab period.
UV lamp, battery operated
UV lamp, battery operatedPortable UV light that can be used for a wide range of applications. Light weight and easy to use.
UV-Vis Fiber Optic Kit
UV-Vis Fiber Optic KitEnhance the capabilities of your PASCO UV-Vis Spectrometer (SE-3607) for the analysis of emission sources, external samples, and the classification of lasers with the UV-Vis Fiber Optic Kit. This complete kit includes a quartz core cable (50-cm quartz core, 0.2-mm diameter) and a front surface mirror, reflective cuvette. Other applications include: analysis of external absorption spectra, measurement of electronic transition energies, calculation of the Rydbergh constant, and determination of light source energies.
Wireless Light Source
Wireless Light SourceA component of Essential Physics Light and Optics module, this wireless, rechargeable light source is ideal for studying color mixing and even internet communication.