Crime Scene 4: Terror from Paradise Kit
Crime Scene 4: Terror from Paradise Kit$0.00Add to Quote
Crime Scene 4: Terror from Paradise Kit
Crime Scene 4: Terror from Paradise KitEmploy Forensics to Stop a Terrorist PlotYour students can become agents in charge of preventing a terror attack in this real life simulation as they perform tests that have become customary in the fight against terrorist plots.
• Students Apply Science Principles and Relate the Conclusion to a Criminal Investigation• Case-Based Scenario
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CSI: Who Killed Henry Ward? Kit
CSI: Who Killed Henry Ward? KitYou be the detective!This kit addresses several different approaches for conducting a crime scene investigation.
• Link to a real-life scenario• Aligned with NGSS Life and Physical Science DCIs: LS1, LS2, LS3, LS4 and PS2.• Contains analysis of many types of evidence• Estimated class/lab time required: 160 minutes over 4 class periods
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Dealing With Murder: Dead and Breakfast Lab Activity
Dealing With Murder: Dead and Breakfast Lab Activity$0.00Add to Quote
Dealing With Murder: Dead and Breakfast Lab Activity
Dealing With Murder: Dead and Breakfast Lab ActivityMerge Scientific Method with Literacy In the Ultimate “Whodunnit”Clues continue to unfold as students become critical readers in this engaging lab activity.
• Includes a reference poster with clues and a CD-ROM containing all required print material
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Dealing With Murder: Fatal Error Lab Activity
Dealing With Murder: Fatal Error Lab Activity$0.00Add to Quote
Dealing With Murder: Fatal Error Lab Activity
Dealing With Murder: Fatal Error Lab ActivityUse Critical Thinking and Literacy Skills to Solve an Exciting Murder MysteryRichard Webster and his crack staff of software developers have locked themselves in a think tank until their ground-breaking computer program “Rosebud” is complete. When the doors finally open Webster’s dead body is discovered, apparently strangled by a mouse cord, and his prized program is erased.
• Activity includes a laminated reference poster with clues and a CD-ROM containing all required print material
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Forensic Analysis of Glass Kit
Forensic Analysis of Glass KitCan broken glass crack the case?
This lab demonstrates how intrinsic properties of glass can be used to distinguish common types of glass.
• NGSS Physical Science DCIs PS1, PS3• Pre and post-laboratory assessments• Links to real world concepts• Estimated class/lab time required: 160 minutes over 2-4 days
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Sherlock Bones: Identification of Skeletal Remains Kit
Sherlock Bones: Identification of Skeletal Remains Kit$0.00Add to Quote
Sherlock Bones: Identification of Skeletal Remains Kit
Sherlock Bones: Identification of Skeletal Remains KitIs the victim a male or female?
This lab provides students with experience with the process of epiphyseal union as well as using Vernier calipers.
• NGSS Life Science DCIs LS1, and LS2.• Pre- and post-laboratory assessments• Links to a real world scenario• Estimated class/lab time required: 45-60 minutes
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Simulated Blood Typing “Whodunit” Kit
Simulated Blood Typing “Whodunit” Kit$0.00Already Added
Simulated Blood Typing “Whodunit” Kit
Simulated Blood Typing “Whodunit” KitWhat Is It Like to Analyze a Crime Scene?This lab addresses several different approaches for conducting a crime scene investigation. Its scenario-based activity allows students to become detectives and determine “”whodunit”” while using Ward’s® completely safe Simulated Blood.
• NGSS Life Science DCIs LS1, LS3• Pre and post-laboratory assessments• Links to real world concepts• Estimated class/lab time required: 45 minutes over 1 day
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The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab Activity
The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab Activity$0.00Add to Quote
The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab Activity
The Case of the Missing Mascot Lab ActivityDeduce, Try, and Convict the CulpritThe school mascot is taken. There’s a note, some strange-looking leaves, a mouth guard and some white fibers left at the scene. Who took the mascot?
• Includes enough material for 30 students, a teacher’s guide, student worksheets and casebooks.
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Ward’s® Evidence Collection Kit
Ward’s® Evidence Collection KitCollect Evidence like the ExpertsGather forensic evidence like a pro with these kits of basic materials and equipment. Lead your class in a series of crime scene simulations and ensure proper collection and documentation techniques by providing high quality supplies.
• Necessary Supplies for Investigations In One Comprehensive Package• Replacements Available• Equipment only (does not include activities)
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Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic Simulation
Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic Simulation$0.00Add to Quote
Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic Simulation
Ward’s® Mystery at 323 Maple Street Forensic SimulationStudents use observational and analytical skills to find out “Whodunit.”A crime has been committed at 323 Maple Street, and your class is the team of investigators assigned to find out where the crime took place, if the criminal acted alone, and even the type of clothing worn by each suspect.
• Grades 6-12• Real World Case Based Scenario• Combination of 6 Activities
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Ward’s® New York Vikings: A Lab Activity in Forensic Anthropology and Geology
Ward’s® New York Vikings: A Lab Activity in Forensic Anthropology and Geology$0.00Add to Quote
Ward’s® New York Vikings: A Lab Activity in Forensic Anthropology and Geology
Ward’s® New York Vikings: A Lab Activity in Forensic Anthropology and GeologyAnalyze human bone, artifacts, and rocks.In this forensic science activity, students will apply hands-on forensic techniques to analyze a scenario involving multiple lines of anthropological, archaeological, and geological evidence from human bone replicas, artifact photos, and rocks.
• Grades 9-12• Real World Case Based Scenario• Estimated class/lab time required: 180 minutes over 4 days
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Ward’s® Sealed with a Kiss Kit
Ward’s® Sealed with a Kiss KitAre lip prints like finger prints?Someone has been mailing anonymous love letters to the captain of the football team and sealing each one with a kiss.
• NGSS Physical Science DCI PS1• Pre and post-laboratory assessments• Links to real world concepts
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Where Has My Little Dog Been? Kit
Where Has My Little Dog Been? KitUse multiple forms of evidence analysis.Poor puppy Plato was dognapped. Now that he is safely back home, it’s time to test the evidence and determine the culprit of the canine caper.
• Test the evidence and determine the culprit• Six different activities
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