Lenses in holder on rod, + 300 mm
Lenses in holder on rod, + 300 mmLenses mounted in a rectangular shielding sheet (100 x 100 mm) with printed focal length.Fitted with a Ø 10 mm steel rod for use with an optical bench.
Lenses in holder with base, – 200 mm
Lenses in holder with base, – 200 mmØ 40 mm lenses mounted in a shielding plate, 80 x120 mm, with a heavy, stable metal base.Focal length engraved on the plate.
Lenses in holder with base, + 200 mm
Lenses in holder with base, + 200 mmØ 40 mm lenses mounted in a shielding plate, 80 x120 mm, with a heavy, stable metal base.Focal length engraved on the plate.
Lenz’s Law kit, U-profile
Lenz’s Law kit, U-profileLenz’s Law is demonstrated in this apparatus by allowing a magnet to roll down a nearly vertical aluminium U-profile.
Lenz’s Law Demonstrator
Lenz’s Law DemonstratorProvides a convenient method of demonstrating Lenz’s Law.
Leslie’s’ Radiation Plate
Leslie’s’ Radiation PlateThis apparatus allows the demonstration of the dramatic differences in radiated heat from various surfaces. Being electrically heated it is more convenient than some of the more conventional methods involving water or Bunsen flames.
Lever arm
Lever armLever with holes showing arm length from the centre of mass.Made from 2-mm nickel-plated brass.
Levers Kits
Levers KitsThe Levers kit contains five systems and each system will require a set of 10g slotted masses.
Lid for calorimeter
Lid for calorimeterThis lid is used together with calorimeter FR-274050, and can be used for e.g. experiment with energy conservation.
Supplied with plug for hole suitable for Pasco sensor or a plug with hole suitable for stick thermometer.
Lid for voltameter
Lid for voltameterThe lid has 2 plastic tubes which are placed over the platinum electrodes of 453000 Voltameter.
Lid with immersion heater
Lid with immersion heaterUsed with 274500 Insulated cups to confirm Joule’s law.Plastic lid with hole for inserting a thermometer.Fitted with 2.2 ohm heating element connected to 2 telephone jack sockets.
Light Intensity vs. Distance Experiment
Light Intensity vs. Distance ExperimentComplete solution to measure light intensity as a function of distance.
Light Sensor
Light SensorPASCO’s Light Sensor is ideal for indoor and outdoor relative light intensity experiments.
Linear Motion Accessory
Linear Motion AccessorySlides through a special slot in the Rotary Motion Sensor and allows you to measure short linear distances.
Liquid level apparatus
Liquid level apparatusThis device is used to investigate how connected vessels are affected by pressure and density.
Liquid-Filled Compasses (5 Pack)
Liquid-Filled Compasses (5 Pack)Spare compasses for the CASTLE Kit (EM-8624A). Perfect for investigating the magnetic fields around straight wires.
Load Cell and Amplifier Set
Load Cell and Amplifier SetThe Load Cell and Amplifier Set measures forces at any location within a PASCO Structures System. It includes a 6-port Amplifier and four 100 N Load Cells.
LodestoneMagnets can be found in nature in the form of magnetite, or lodestone. This is an iron ore that has been magnetised by Earth’s magnetic field.