Force on a Conductor Apparatus
Force on a Conductor ApparatusThis is a traditional piece of equipment for demonstrating the effect of a current flowing in a conductor in the presence of a magnetic field.
Force Sensor Spares Kit
Force Sensor Spares KitA set of replacement accessory parts for PASCO force sensors.
Forces and Motion Kit
Forces and Motion KitPerform lab activities from the Comprehensive Physics Investigations Lab Manual.
Four Scale Meter Stick
Four Scale Meter StickA convenient measuring device that includes four different metric scales of various precision.
Franck-Hertz Argon Tube
Franck-Hertz Argon TubeReplacement Argon Tube for PASCO’s Franck-Hertz Apparatus.
Franck-Hertz Experiment
Franck-Hertz ExperimentAs early as 1914, James Franck and Gustav Hertz discovered in the course of their investigations an energy loss in distinct steps for electrons passing through mercury vapor and a corresponding emission at the ultraviolet line of mercury.
Franck-Hertz System
Franck-Hertz SystemStand-alone system for fundamental constants classic demonstrations, can also be used with the 850 Interface and PASCO Capstone software.
Franck-Hertz Tube Enclosure with Argon Tube
Franck-Hertz Tube Enclosure with Argon TubePerform one of the classic demonstrations of the quantization of atomic energy levels.
Free Fall Tube
Free Fall TubeThis apparatus comprises a 1m long, 50mm diameter acrylic tube which can be partially evacuated using a hand pump through the end stopper.
Freefall Balls Accessory
Freefall Balls AccessoryReplacement spheres for the Discover Freefall System (ME-9889).
Function Generator
Function GeneratorOutputs waveforms including DC, sine, square, triangle, positive and negative ramps.
g by Release Unit
g by Release UnitFor use in ‘g’ by free fall investigations with alternative lower sensors. The unit releases a ball bearing when the ‘ears’ are squeezed together. Connection is by standard 4mm leads.
G-M Probe with Sample Holder
G-M Probe with Sample HolderThis 35-mm diameter window provides excellent photon efficiency for detecting low activity samples.
G-M Tube/Power Supply
G-M Tube/Power SupplyA Geiger-Muller probe that senses alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
Gas Laws Accessory Kit
Gas Laws Accessory KitAccessory kit containing equipment for studying gas properties and reactions, designed for use with PASCO’s Air Bag Module.
Geiger Counter
Geiger CounterThis Geiger counter can be set to start and stop manually and has a digital readout.
Geiger Tube, Lg Area (3-required)
Geiger Tube, Lg Area (3-required)This is included in the Complete Muon Observatory system and available separately.
General Flow Sensor
General Flow SensorThe General Flow Sensor measures the flow rate of air or water. Venturi Tubes or Pitot Tubes are available separately.