Product Details
Insulated Jackets 65mm (pack of 5)
Thick felt sleeves and a base mat to fit 65mm calorimeters.
Thick felt sleeves and a base mat to fit 65mm calorimeters.
Weight hanger and nine 0.5 kg slotted masses.
Set of five shrouded long black patch cords.
This is a replacement 120V AC to 9V DC power supply.
Allows the use of PASCO analog sensors with National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumental Suite.
Non-threaded and non-magnetic lab rod.
Weight hanger and three slotted masses.
Clamp and lock two rods at any angle, including parallel to one another.
Set of 5 shrouded long red patch cords.
This one-liter plastic graduated cylinder has three hose fittings–useful for experiments requiring either a specific amount of water, a constant flow of water, or water at a constant pressure.
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