This 10-pack of disc sets allows students to derive the meaning of pi directly from their measurements. Four plastic disks with varying diameter in each set.
Plastic bases with screw-type light bulb sockets and spring-loaded metal clips to hold leads.
This one-liter plastic graduated cylinder has three hose fittings–useful for experiments requiring either a specific amount of water, a constant flow of water, or water at a constant pressure.
Clamp and lock two rods at any angle, including parallel to one another.
Connects ScienceWorkshop 500 and 750 serial interface to a computer via USB.
Replacement axles for any of the PASCO dynamics carts.
Set of five shrouded long black patch cords.
A set of replacement accessory parts for PASCO force sensors.
Facilitates the use of the Motion Sensor (CI-6724A) with additional interfaces.
A small support with a low profile that will accept 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) threaded rods. The included threaded steel rod is 25 cm long.
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