Precision Resistor 1R
Precision Resistor 1RA Range of precision resistors all with a tolerance of 1% enabling students to perform experiments where high accuracy is needed.
All resistors have a power rating of 0.6W.
Precision Switched Power Supply
Precision Switched Power SupplyTwo precision full specification power supplies for the school laboratory with unrivalled advantages in terms of design and electrical specification. See S100-905 for the variable version.
Precision Variable Power Supply
Precision Variable Power SupplyTwo precision full specification power supplies for the school laboratory with unrivalled advantages in terms of design and electrical specification. See S100-906 for precision switched version.
QTC Test Rig
QTC Test RigThis Test Rig provides a simple but elegant system for studying the new Quantum Tunnelling Composite polymer, QTC.
RCCB DemoThis apparatus is a companion to the Circuit Breaker Demonstration LA10-170A
It shows all the working parts of a modern RCCB type fuse as used in domestic consumer units. The apparatus is contained within a robust plastic tray with protective acrylic cover and includes a clear circuit layout on the main panel.
Reaction Timer
Reaction TimerFor use with Lascells timers. The subject presses the START button and after a short random delay the light comes on. The subject has to press the button as quickly as they can in response. The timer records the interval between the light coming on and the button being pressed. No power supply required.
Resistance Selector
Resistance SelectorMini substitution unit using a single rotary switch to select from twelve values all at 5% 0.5W.
Resistance Substitution Box
Resistance Substitution BoxA robust Resistance Substitution Box rated at 2W. Resistors are selected by means of 4mm sockets and can be arranged in series to give the full range from 1 to 12,221Ω.
Resistance Wire Board
Resistance Wire BoardThe Resistivity Board provides four wires of the same diameter but different materials.
Resistor Kit A
Resistor Kit APacks of 10 resistors covering the range 120Ω to 2.2MΩ, 5% tolerance together with 100 resistors 22kΩ on a bandolier.
Resistor Kit B
Resistor Kit BAlso for Advancing Physics Sensing Unit 110E. Five colour-sleeved resistors of values 300kΩ, 100kΩ, 75kΩ, 150kΩ and 100kΩ all at 5% tolerance.
Resolved Forces Board
Resolved Forces BoardBy using spring balances on an easy to understand layout the concept of balanced and resolved forces is easy to demonstrate. The attachment points can be put in line for collinear forces where the single force is the sum of the other two. For 2D work, angles and vectors can be easily examined. The durable white plastic-coated board measures 800 x 450mm and comes complete with balances and full instructions.