Lab Apparatus
Aquatic Productivity Bottles
Aquatic Productivity BottlesThis rack filters 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of incident light to simplify the study of primary productivity.
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Boomwhackers Boomophone
Boomwhackers BoomophoneA set of eight tubes of different lengths to demonstrate standing waves in pipes.
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Capillary Tubes
Capillary TubesContainer to determine melting point of chemical substances in the Melting Point Apparatus (PS-3239).
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Control Node Voltage Sensor
Control Node Voltage SensorThis general purpose voltage sensor plugs into the Sensor port on the //control.Node. The sensor readings are transmitted via Bluetooth by the //control.Node.
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Coulomb’s Law Apparatus
Coulomb’s Law ApparatusAccurately measure charge, force, and distance between two conductive spheres.
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Density Circulation Model
Density Circulation ModelModel, measure and understand complex density driven circulation associated with heat transfer through convection.
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Diffusion/Osmosis Apparatus
Diffusion/Osmosis ApparatusAllows students to explore the rate of water movement and quantify pressure changes occurring in the system.
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EcoChamberA single polycarbonate chamber designed to integrate sensors for controlled-environment experiments such as fermentation and plant / cricket respiration.
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EcoZone System
EcoZone System3 interconnectable polycarbonate chambers for building your own ecosystems. Designed to easily integrate sensors for quantitative environmental measurements.
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Franck-Hertz Tube Enclosure with Argon Tube
Franck-Hertz Tube Enclosure with Argon Tube$0.00Add to Quote
Franck-Hertz Tube Enclosure with Argon Tube
Franck-Hertz Tube Enclosure with Argon TubePerform the experiment that is one of the classic demonstrations of the quantization of atomic energy levels.
This version of our Frank-Hertz Apparatus is for users who already have power supplies and current amplifier. The full system, including power supplies and amplifier, is also offered: Frank-Hertz System (SE-9639).
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Limit Switch
Limit SwitchThis Limit Switch is used to limit the motion of Motorized Structures. The Limit Switch is plugged into a digital input on the //control.Node Voltage Sensor (PS-3349) which is plugged into the Sensor Port on the //control.Node (PS-3232). When the Limit Switch is activated by pressing up against an object, the Voltage Sensor detects a change in state.
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Limit Switch Holder
Limit Switch HolderThis holder attaches a limit switch to PASCO Structures.
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Magnetic Stirrer, 300-2000 rpm
Magnetic Stirrer, 300-2000 rpmMagnetic stirrer with screw regulation of stirring speed (up to 2000 rpm).
- Capacity up to 2000 mL.
- Diameter 120 mm.
With practical holder for e.g. temperature sensor or pH meter.
Stirring magnet not included.
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Metabolism Chamber
Metabolism ChamberThis small plastic bottle is designed to allow simultaneous sensor measurements of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide gas.
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Modular Circuits Battery
Modular Circuits BatteryThe battery module contains a holder that accepts one AA battery (not included). Compatible with all Modular Circuits kits.
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Modular Circuits Buzzer
Modular Circuits BuzzerThe buzzer module produces sound when a DC voltage is applied to the terminals. The buzzer is polarized and will only produce a sound when a positive voltage is applied to the positive terminal. When 2-3 V is applied, the buzzer will produce a sound with a frequency of 2300 ± 400 Hz. Compatible with all Modular Circuits kits.
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Modular Circuits Capacitor, 0.33 F
Modular Circuits Capacitor, 0.33 FThis module contains a 0.33 F super capacitor. The capacitor is polarized, requiring that the positive side of a voltage source is applied to the positive terminal of the module. You can use this capacitor with a light bulb module to observe the light bulb dimming as the capacitor is discharged. Compatible with all Modular Circuits kits.
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Modular Circuits Corner
Modular Circuits CornerThe corner module is used to connect various Modular Circuits components. Compatible with all Modular Circuits kits.
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Modular Circuits Diode
Modular Circuits DiodeThe diode module contains a PN junction diode that allows current to flow in only one direction. Current will flow when a negative voltage is applied to the side of the diode marked with the grey ring. The arrow on the diode symbol indicates the direction of conventional current. Compatible with all Modular Circuits kits.
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Modular Circuits LED
Modular Circuits LEDThe LED module contains a red LED. A 330 ohm resistor is connected in series to protect the LED from damage. The arrow on the LED symbol indicates the direction of conventional current. Compatible with all Modular Circuits kits.
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