Wind turbine with blades and LEDs
Wind turbine with blades and LEDsThis turbine model can be used to investigate how there is a correlation between blade profiles and the effect these can produce.
The mill is supplied with three different profiled blade sets.
It can run with 1, 2 or 3 wings respectively, and the wings can be pitched/adjusted.
Wind turbine with gearing
Wind turbine with gearingThe EcoStyle Wind Turbine Kit is a working model of a real wind turbine. It is designed for use in schools, colleges and universities. It is a hands-on model which shows in a good and clear way how wind power can be used to generate electricity.
Xylol, 50 ml
Xylol, 50 mlUnit: 50 ml
Zinc discs for voltaic pile 352200
Zinc discs for voltaic pile 352200A model of the first galvanic battery
Zinc plate for electroscope
Zinc plate for electroscopeUsed with electroscope 441000 for demonstrating the photoelectric effect.
Zinc sulphide screen
Zinc sulphide screenPhosphorescent plate that continues emitting light for some time after having been illuminated.This effect depends on the light source emitting some ultraviolet in addition to visible light, which means that the screen can be used to detect UV light.
Zoomstereomicroscope trinocular 7-45x
Zoomstereomicroscope trinocular 7-45xTrinocular zoomstereomcroscope with continuously variable magnification between 7x and 45x. The stereomicroscope has fine, sharps optics and solid mechanics.The eyepieces has a large aperture and provide an extra-wide field of vision ans sharp, high contrast images at all magnifications.Optical head with 45° inclination for viewing comfort and eyepieces with both interpupillary and dioptric adjustments.Trinocular tube for attachment of e.g. an eyepiece camera such as 078115.The stereomicroscope is supplied with an eyepiece adapter (23 mm opening) that makes it possible to use eyepiece cameras.Large stable stand with a flat base that is easy to work with.Built-in LED light that is continuously variable and can be adjusted separately for both light sources.The stereomicroscope is very easy and comfortable to use among other things because of the abillity to optimize the magnification to the observed object.Very suitable for agriculture and forestry, geology, biology, archaeology and in all advanced teaching as well as for quality inspection and other industral applications.