Centripetal Force & Rotation
A-Base Rotational Adapter
A-Base Rotational AdapterAllows students to mount Rotary Motion Sensors to the Rotating Platform or Gyroscope.
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Centripetal Force Accessory
Centripetal Force AccessoryA component of PASCO’s Rotating Platform ME-8950A, this accessory makes changing the mass, the radius or the force quick and easy.
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Centripetal Force Apparatus
Centripetal Force ApparatusShow students the relationships between centripetal force, velocity, radius and mass.
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Centripetal Force Pendulum
Centripetal Force PendulumA simple pendulum designed to attach to an Economy Force Sensor and Rotary Motion Sensor.
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Circular Motion Apparatus
Circular Motion ApparatusFor demonstrating the laws of uniform circular motion, this small motor is fitted with a disk for attaching a rubber ball on a chain.
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Complete Rotational System
Complete Rotational SystemThe Complete Rotational System facilitates a full range of experiments for centripetal force, angular momentum, and rotational motion.
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Conical Pendulum
Conical PendulumPowered with a 12 V DC power supply (not included), the apparatus rotates and the bob flies out, causing the angle indicator to rotate.
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Discover Centripetal Force Kit
Discover Centripetal Force KitThe kit allows students to feel the change in centripetal force as key variables are manipulated.
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Matter Model
Matter ModelThe atoms are brightly colored spheres specifically designed to allow students to better understand the structure of matter.
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Pendulum Accessory
Pendulum AccessoryThis pendulum accessory converts a rotary motion sensor into a pendulum.
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Physical Pendulum Set
Physical Pendulum SetSix aluminum plates to fasten directly to a rotary motion sensor to study Pendula, Moments of Inertia, and the Parallel Axis Theorem.
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Ring And Disk Set
Ring And Disk SetUse this set to demonstrate Conservation of Angular Momentum.
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Rotating Platform
Rotating PlatformThe stable base and precision bearings is one major component of the Complete Rotational System (ME-8950A).
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Rotational Inertia Accessory
Rotational Inertia AccessoryIncludes a disk and a ring to support several experiments in rotational inertia. A component of PASCO’s Complete Rotational System ME-8950A.
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Rotational Inertia Set
Rotational Inertia SetCompare the rotational inertias of objects with different shapes and masses.
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Rotational Inertia Wands
Rotational Inertia WandsThese two wands have the same mass and dimensions but their masses are distributed very differently giving them very different rotational inertias.
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Rotational Motion and Torque Kit
Rotational Motion and Torque KitAt the heart of this kit is the Rotary Motion Sensor combined with the Rotational Inertia Accessory which enable rotational motion experiments to be performed. Basic concepts covered by this kit include the rotational inertia of a ring, disk, and point mass, centripetal acceleration, torque and angular acceleration, and conservation of angular momentum.
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Rotational Motion Kit
Rotational Motion KitAt the heart of this kit is the Rotary Motion Sensor combined with the Rotational Inertia Accessory which enable eight rotational motion experiments to be performed. Basic concepts covered by this kit include the rotational inertia of a ring, disk, and point mass, torque and angular acceleration, and conservation of angular momentum.
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Rotational Motor Drive
Rotational Motor DrivePower continuous rotational motion demonstrations.
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