Product Details
Mechanical Effect Demonstration
Visualize modern physics by watching an electron beam creating motion on a paddle wheel.
- Demonstration Crooke’s tube
- Clearly visible beam
Visualize modern physics by watching an electron beam creating motion on a paddle wheel.
Designed to allow the use of a force sensor as a balance.
The Stress Strain Apparatus lets students observe stress and strain as they stretch a material to the point of fracture.
Designed to measure magnetic field with three selectable ranges of +-1000 gauss.
Includes 80 experiments in mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics, electricity and magnetism. CD included.
LED Light Source with adjustable brightness control, for use with Millikan Oil Drop Apparatus.
An extra 3-step Pulley for PASCO’s Rotary Motion Sensors.
Replacement test coupons for the Stress/Strain Apparatus.
PASCO’s Light Sensor is ideal for indoor and outdoor relative light intensity experiments.
Accurately measures position, velocity, and acceleration of a target. ScienceWorkshop version.
Set of four 4 oz bottles of mineral oil, for use with the Millikan Oil Drop Apparatus.
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