Phone Jack Extender Cable
Phone Jack Extender CableExtension cable can be used with any digital sensor.
Photoelastic I-Beam Set
Photoelastic I-Beam SetClear plastic I-beams that display stress lines when used with Materials System’s Photoelasticity Accessory.
Photoelasticity Accessory
Photoelasticity AccessorySet of two crossed polarizing sheets which display stress lines as beams as submit to three-point bending tests.
Photoelectric Effect Experiment
Photoelectric Effect ExperimentComplete photoelectric effect experiment includes experiment files and the photoelectric effect system; complete solution designed for use with PASCO Capstone Software.
Photoelectric Effect System
Photoelectric Effect SystemThis system facilitates engaging photoelectric experiments to determine Planck’s Constant within 5.0%.
Photoelectric Tube with Box Plate
Photoelectric Tube with Box PlateReplacement photodiode for the photoelectric effect apparatus.
Photogate & Pulley System
Photogate & Pulley SystemMeasure the motion of a pulley system using this combination photogate and low-friction pulley. For use with PASPORT and ScienceWorkshop Interfaces.
Photogate Brackets (2 Pack) — IDS
Photogate Brackets (2 Pack) — IDSThe Photogate Bracket is designed to attach Photogate Head to PAStrack and Curved PAStrack.
Photogate Flags (100 mm) — Air Track
Photogate Flags (100 mm) — Air TrackFor Use with PASCO’s Air Track (SF-9214). Previously listed as 655-011.
Photogate Flags (25 mm) — Air Track
Photogate Flags (25 mm) — Air TrackFor Use with PASCO’s Air Track (SF-9214). Previously listed as 655-012.
Photogate Head
Photogate HeadMonitors the motion of objects passing through its gate, counting events as the object breaks the infrared beam.
Photogate Mounting Bracket
Photogate Mounting BracketThis bracket mounts one or two Photogate Heads or a Smart Gate on any PASCO Projectile Launcher.
Photogate Pendulum Set
Photogate Pendulum SetSet of four pendula (brass, plastic, wood, and aluminum) that are ideal for PASCO’s Photogate Head and Photogate Accessory in timing experiments.
Photogate Tape, High Resolution (30 m)
Photogate Tape, High Resolution (30 m)30m roll of high resolution replacement tape for the Photogate Tape Set (ME-6664). 1 cm band spacing.
Photogate Timer
Photogate TimerPASCO digital photogate timers are used in thousands of physics labs throughout the world.
Photogates and Fences Dynamics System
Photogates and Fences Dynamics SystemWhen used with the computer for data recording, displaying and analysis, this photogate/pulley timing system can provide a wide range of time, speed and velocity measurements.
Photosynthesis Chamber
Photosynthesis ChamberThe Photosynthesis Chamber allows for fine control of water temperature and light exposure for aquatic photosynthesis experiments.
Photosynthesis Tank
Photosynthesis TankDesigned to work with PASCO sensors, the Photosynthesis Tank is an ideal apparatus for studying photosynthesis and respiration in aquatic life.
Physical Pendulum – Wireless
Physical Pendulum – WirelessIn this experiment, the period of a physical pendulum, a narrow bar, is determined as a function of the distance of the pivot from the center of mass. A computer model of the system is developed, which allows the student to vary the physical parameters of the model (gravity, length, c.m. position) to match the data. This makes it possible to obtain values for the physical parameters without direct measurement.