8-Pin DIN Extension Cable
8-Pin DIN Extension CableExtension cable designed for ScienceWorkshop sensors and the 500, 750 (discontinued), and 850 Interfaces.
850 Universal Interface
850 Universal InterfaceThe most powerful educational lab interface in the world features numerous ports, a rapid sampling rate, and unmatched functionality.
850 Universal Interface Replacement Power Supply
850 Universal Interface Replacement Power SupplyReplacement power supply designed for use with PASCO’s 850 Universal Interface.
90 cm Stainless Steel Rod
90 cm Stainless Steel RodNon-threaded and non-magnetic lab rod.
A-Base Rotational Adapter
A-Base Rotational AdapterAllows students to mount Rotary Motion Sensors to the Rotating Platform or Gyroscope.
Absolute Zero Sphere
Absolute Zero SphereThe Absolute Zero Sphere determines absolute zero temperature.
Absorbers (set of 20)
Absorbers (set of 20)This set of 20 calibrated absorbers includes 4 lead, 2 plastic, 10 aluminum, 2 polyethylene, and 2 foil absorbers.
AC Adapter (9 V, 500mA)
AC Adapter (9 V, 500mA)This is a replacement 120V AC to 9V DC power supply.
AC/DC Electronics Laboratory
AC/DC Electronics LaboratoryFacilitates electricity experiments for AC and DC. Can be used as a stand-alone with a multimeter or with PASCO sensors and software.
AC/DC Power Supply (12V, 3A)
AC/DC Power Supply (12V, 3A)Simultaneously delivers stabilized DC and AC voltages with overload protection.
Accelerometer Springs (16 Pack)
Accelerometer Springs (16 Pack)Extra springs for the Vertical Accelerometer in the Amusement Park Physics Kit (ME-9426A).
Accessory Cable – Motion Sensor
Accessory Cable – Motion SensorFacilitates the use of the Motion Sensor (CI-6724A) with additional interfaces.
Accessory Lens Set
Accessory Lens SetIncludes +250 mm and -150 mm lenses. Each is mounted in a lens holder, which clips directly into the Basic Optics Bench.
Accessory Photogate
Accessory PhotogateIncludes a Photogate Head and Photogate Stand for flexible experiment design.
Acrylic Tensile Sample
Acrylic Tensile SampleSet of 10 acrylic tensile samples designed for use with the Materials Testing System.
Adhesive Patches (100 pack)
Adhesive Patches (100 pack)100 replacement adhesive patches for the Fast Response Temperature Probe (PS-2135).
Adiabatic Gas Law Apparatus
Adiabatic Gas Law ApparatusPASCO’s Adiabatic Gas Law Apparatus provides the ideal demonstration for student learning.
Adjustable Angle Clamp
Adjustable Angle ClampClamp and lock two rods at any angle, including parallel to one another.
Adjustable End Stop — Air Track
Adjustable End Stop — Air TrackFor Use with PASCO’s Air Track (SF-9214). Previously listed as 655-010.