Cuvettes and Caps
Cuvettes and CapsReplacement Cuvettes and Caps for the PASCO Wireless Spectrometer.
DC Current Amplifier
DC Current AmplifierDC current amplifier designed for Franck-Hertz and Photoelectric Effect experiments.
DC Power Supply I (Constant Voltage)
DC Power Supply I (Constant Voltage)Power supply ideal for Photoelectric Effect and Franck-Hertz experiments.
DC Power Supply II (Constant Voltage)
DC Power Supply II (Constant Voltage)Stand-alone power supply perfect for Franck-Hertz and e/m experiments.
DC Programmable Power Supply
DC Programmable Power SupplyProgrammable Power Supply functions as simple constant-voltage source and able to output periodic functions and with custom programs.
Decade Capacitance Box
Decade Capacitance BoxSupplies 5 decades of capacitance from 100 pF to 11.111 uF in 100 pF steps.
Decade Resistance Box
Decade Resistance BoxDeliver six decades of resistance with this decade resistance box’s rotary selecting switches.
Deflection Beta Particles
Deflection Beta ParticlesDemonstrate the deflection of beta particles in a magnetic field.
Demonstration Gyroscope (3-Axis)
Demonstration Gyroscope (3-Axis)With a unique low friction and open design, the gyroscope allows studies of rotational motion.
Demonstration Mirror, Concave
Demonstration Mirror, ConcaveVirtual and real images are formed with these large, curved mirrors.
Demonstration Mirror, Convex
Demonstration Mirror, ConvexVirtual and real images are formed with these large, curved mirrors.
Demonstration Spring Set
Demonstration Spring SetFour large springs ideal for Hooke’s Law or Conservation of Energy demonstrations.
Density Circulation Model
Density Circulation ModelModel, measure and understand complex density driven circulation associated with heat transfer through convection.
Density Set
Density SetThe Density Set allows you to investigate irregular objects by water displacement and specific heat.
Desktop Electricity Kit
Desktop Electricity KitProvides students the conceptual tools to further their understanding of electric and magnetic interactions.
Detector Coil (2000 Turn)
Detector Coil (2000 Turn)A 2000 turn wire coil on one end of a wand that has two terminals at the other end to accommodate banana plug contacts, permitting easy connection of an electric circuit.
Detector Coil (400 turn)
Detector Coil (400 turn)A 400 turn wire coil on one end of a wand that has two terminals at the other end to accommodate banana plug contacts, permitting easy connection of an electric circuit.
Diffraction Optics Kit
Diffraction Optics KitIncludes two slit wheels allowing students to examine various diffraction patterns as well as a Red Diode Laser.
Diffraction Slits
Diffraction SlitsThe Diffraction Slits are an accessory for the Wireless Diffraction System.