Connector Spares
Connector SparesReplacement connectors for the Structures System.
Conservation of Angular Momentum Experiment
Conservation of Angular Momentum ExperimentThe complete solution for studying the conservation of angular momentum during collisions. This complete solution is designed for use with PASCO Capstone Software.
Conservation of Energy Experiment
Conservation of Energy ExperimentThe complete solution for verifying the conservation of energy as it changes from potential to kinetic.
Conservation of Energy II – Wireless
Conservation of Energy II – WirelessThe complete solution for observing the conservation of energy as it is converted from potential to kinetic energy.
Conservation of Energy II Experiment
Conservation of Energy II ExperimentThe complete solution for observing the conservation of energy as it is converted from potential to kinetic energy. This complete solution is designed for use with PASCO Capstone Software.
Conservation of Momentum Experiment
Conservation of Momentum ExperimentThe complete solution for exploring the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy in elastic and inelastic collisions.
Constant Speed Buggy
Constant Speed BuggyTurn on the buggy and let it go. When it reaches a wall, it flips over and changes direction.
Constantan Resistor for Determining Temp Coefficient
Constantan Resistor for Determining Temp CoefficientConstantan Resistor for Determining Temp Coefficient
Constantan Resistor for Determining Temp CoefficientDetermine the temperature coefficient for the resistivity of Constantan.
Control Node Voltage Sensor
Control Node Voltage SensorThis general purpose voltage sensor plugs into the Sensor port on the //control.Node. The sensor readings are transmitted via Bluetooth by the //control.Node.
Cord Lock Spares
Cord Lock SparesReplacement cord tensioning clips and spool for the Structures System.
Cordless Air Source
Cordless Air SourceFor use with the Hovercraft. Includes rechargeable battery and charging adapter. This product is designed for North American 110V wall outlets.
Coulomb’s Law Apparatus
Coulomb’s Law ApparatusAccurately measure charge, force, and distance between two conductive spheres.
Coulomb’s Law Experiment
Coulomb’s Law ExperimentThe complete solution for determining the Inverse Square Law and advanced investigations into all the variables involved in electrostatic repulsion.
Cow Magnet (Pair)
Cow Magnet (Pair)These strong smooth magnets are convenient for showing magnetic induction by moving one through a coil connected to an ammeter.
Crooke’s Radiometer
Crooke’s RadiometerThis product consists of a set of vanes, each with one shiny side and one black side, mounted on a spindle in a partially evacuated glass bulb.
Current Probe
Current ProbeAttach this current probe to a voltage sensor and measure current between -4 A and +4 A.
Current Sensor
Current SensorDetermines the current through the sensor by measuring the voltage across the internal resistor.
Curved PAStrack
Curved PAStrackExpand your PAStrack System with this curved track set. Create hills, valleys and inclines.