Circuits & Circuit Components
2 Meter Patch Cord Set
2 Meter Patch Cord SetThese heavy insulation patch cords are convenient and durable. The grips are stackable and made of soft plastic for flexible strain relief. The spring connectors rotate in the grips, reducing the wear due to friction. Set includes 2 red, and 2 black patch cords.
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AC/DC Electronics Laboratory
AC/DC Electronics LaboratoryFacilitates electricity experiments for AC and DC. Can be used as a stand-alone with a multimeter or with PASCO sensors and software.
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Alligator Clip Adapters
Alligator Clip AdaptersConverts banana plugs into alligator clips with this set of 10 adapters.
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Alligator Clip Leads (Set of 10)
Alligator Clip Leads (Set of 10)Use these 30 cm long alligator clip cords for almost any application.
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Banana Plug Cord Sets, 30 cm Length
Banana Plug Cord Sets, 30 cm LengthThis set of 8 includes red, yellow, blue, and black.
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Banana Plug Cord-Black (5 Pack)
Banana Plug Cord-Black (5 Pack)These heavy, insulated patch cords are convenient, durable and inexpensive. The grips are stackable and made of soft plastic for flexible strain relief. The spring connectors rotate in the grips, reducing wear due to friction. Length of 75 cm, set of 5.
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Banana Plug Cord-Red (5 Pack)
Banana Plug Cord-Red (5 Pack)These heavy, insulated patch cords are convenient, durable and inexpensive. The grips are stackable and made of soft plastic for flexible strain relief. The spring connectors rotate in the grips, reducing wear due to friction. Length of 75 cm, set of 5.
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Basic Electricity Lab
Basic Electricity LabDesigned to implement a large variety of basic electrical circuits for experiments.
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Basic Modular Circuits Kit
Basic Modular Circuits KitEliminate the mess of wires with this ideal system for learning basic circuits. Can be used standalone, with a multimeter, or with PASCO sensors for real-time data collection.
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Breadboard electronics set, 6 groups
Breadboard electronics set, 6 groupsThe breadboard replaces the old “nail board” and is much neater since you just stick the components into the breadboard and connections are made automatically.
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Capacitor (0.025 F, 2 Pack)
Capacitor (0.025 F, 2 Pack)Two electrolytic, bi-polar, 25 Volt capacitors with screw terminals.
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Capacitor (0.1 F)
Capacitor (0.1 F)An electrolytic, bi-polar, 10 Volt capacitor with screw terminals.
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Capacitor (1 Farad)
Capacitor (1 Farad)A 1 F capacitor for use with the Mini Generator (SE-8645).
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Capacitor Pack
Capacitor PackAssortment of electrical capacitors ranging from 1 microfarad to 470 microfarads.
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CASTLE KitLeads students from initial naive ideas to an increasingly expert understanding of electrical phenomena. Kit for two students.
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Charge/Discharge Circuit
Charge/Discharge CircuitObserve and measure the behavior of DC circuits with batteries, capacitors, light bulbs, and resistors.
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Constantan Resistor for Determining Temp Coefficient
Constantan Resistor for Determining Temp Coefficient$0.00Add to Quote
Constantan Resistor for Determining Temp Coefficient
Constantan Resistor for Determining Temp CoefficientDetermine the temperature coefficient for the resistivity of Constantan.
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Desktop Electricity Kit
Desktop Electricity KitProvides students the conceptual tools to further their understanding of electric and magnetic interactions.
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Discover the Bell, Buzzer, and Switch Kit
Discover the Bell, Buzzer, and Switch Kit$0.00Add to Quote
Discover the Bell, Buzzer, and Switch Kit
Discover the Bell, Buzzer, and Switch KitStudents use these totally self-contained kits to assemble an electromagnet, sounder, buzzer, and a bell.
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Economy CASTLE Kit
Economy CASTLE KitLeads students from initial naive ideas to an increasingly expert understanding of electrical phenomena. Kit for eight students.
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