SPARKlabs are complete science activities designed for use with the SPARKvue software. Each lab contains the background information, materials & setup instructions, and data collection all in one place as well as prompts for students to answer questions, make predictions and analyse their results throughout.
A central design theme of SPARKscience is the integration of the scientific process with the learning process, and SPARKlabs are the ultimate example of this integration.
SPARKlabs are educator-designed interactive lab activities that guide students through the process of inquiry and investigation, promoting critical thinking and group discussion.
Think of a SPARKlab as a modern, highly interactive lab notebook—fully contained on your computer or on a SPARK Science Learning System. Then add on “guide on the side” support embedded throughout the investigation process
Add completely seamless data collection and analysis tools.
The result? Everything you need in one place to keep students focused on learning.
Each SPARKlab includes:
- A background science content
- A setup guidance
- A seamless integration with data collection and analysis
- A embedded assessment and reflection prompts
What’s more, you can even edit SPARKlabs or author your own using the SPARKlab authoring tools. Modify exactly to suit the needs of your state, district, or classroom.
PASCO have hundreds of free experiments and lab activities. Search by subject and grade level or by specific PASCO products. Download editable student labs, teacher notes with setup instructions, SPARKvue or Capstone software configuration files and more.
Only Cider House Tech and PASCO are working with leading publisher Pearson, authors and teachers to give you a head start.
PASCO has always stood committed to giving teachers and students the most modern and effective tools for science education.
That striving has culminated in SPARKscience, an authentic, research based learning environment that combines cutting edge data collection, interactive visualisation, analysis tools that encourage exploration and collaboration and discovery-based interactive lab activities.
The main components of SPARKscience are SPARKvue Software, the SPARK Science Learning System, PASPORT sensors and SPARKlabs.
It is the ideal 21st Century inquiry based learning environment.
Please contact us for more information