Product Details
Timer Light Gate
An infra-red beam, high speed light gate for use with Lascells timers. The attached cable is terminated by a 3.5mm jack plug which fits directly into the timer so that no other connections are required.
An infra-red beam, high speed light gate for use with Lascells timers. The attached cable is terminated by a 3.5mm jack plug which fits directly into the timer so that no other connections are required.
Slides through a special slot in the Rotary Motion Sensor and allows you to measure short linear distances.
An extra 3-step Pulley for PASCO’s Rotary Motion Sensors.
Designed for experiments involving low light level conditions. ScienceWorkshop version.
A 400 turn wire coil on one end of a wand that has two terminals at the other end to accommodate banana plug contacts, permitting easy connection of an electric circuit.
Used for measuring the temperature of liquids, air, and other materials. ScienceWorkshop Version.
Designed to measure both pulling and pushing forces allowing labs from cart collisions to tug-of-war.
Accurately measures position, velocity, and acceleration of a target. ScienceWorkshop version.
Includes 80 experiments in mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics, electricity and magnetism. CD included.
Replacement Spheres and collars for the Gravitational Torsion Balance (AP-8215A). Designed to convert to Tungsten while maintaining the proper large sphere dimensions.
LED Light Source with adjustable brightness control, for use with Millikan Oil Drop Apparatus.
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