Product Details
Replacement Wires, Resistivity Apparatus
Replacement set of wires for the Resistivity Apparatus (EM-8812).
Replacement set of wires for the Resistivity Apparatus (EM-8812).
Replacement set of wires for the Resistivity Apparatus (EM-8812).
Replacement set of wires for the Resistivity Apparatus (EM-8812).
Allows students to conduct experiments to measure the speed of light. Reflect a laser off a movable mirror into a light receiver to measure phase differences.
Slides through a special slot in the Rotary Motion Sensor and allows you to measure short linear distances.
Designed to measure magnetic field with three selectable ranges of +-1000 gauss.
Used for measuring the temperature of liquids, air, and other materials. ScienceWorkshop Version.
A 2000 turn wire coil on one end of a wand that has two terminals at the other end to accommodate banana plug contacts, permitting easy connection of an electric circuit.
Set of metal replacement coupons of varying strengths, designed for use with PASCO’s Stress Strain Apparatus.
A 400 turn wire coil on one end of a wand that has two terminals at the other end to accommodate banana plug contacts, permitting easy connection of an electric circuit.
Replacement torsion bands for the Gravitational Torsion Balance (AP-8215A).
An extra 3-step Pulley for PASCO’s Rotary Motion Sensors.
Set of plastic replacement coupons of varying strengths, designed for use with PASCO’s Stress/Strain Apparatus.
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