Slides through a special slot in the Rotary Motion Sensor and allows you to measure short linear distances.
Includes 80 experiments in mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics, electricity and magnetism. CD included.
Determines the current through the sensor by measuring the voltage across the internal resistor.
Allows students to measure angular velocity, acceleration, centripetal forces, and other full range of motion experiments.
Designed to allow the use of a force sensor as a balance.
Allows the students observation of velocity of drop rising in an electric field, then permits calculation of the force on the charge carried by the oil drop.
Allows a rotary motion sensor to mount on a Dynamics Track and act as a high resolution bi-directional Smart Pulley.
The Stress Strain Apparatus lets students observe stress and strain as they stretch a material to the point of fracture.
Accurately measures position, velocity, and acceleration of a target. ScienceWorkshop version.
A 200 turn wire coil on a bobbin that has a base with three terminals that accommodate banana plug contacts for measuring current or voltage. Can be mounted on a Helmholtz base.
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