Product Details
Mounted Potentiometer 100kohm
See SX100-030
Product code: SX100-035
See SX100-030
Product code: SX100-035
Set of plastic replacement coupons of varying strengths, designed for use with PASCO’s Stress/Strain Apparatus.
An extra 3-step Pulley for PASCO’s Rotary Motion Sensors.
Allows students to mount Rotary Motion Sensors to the Rotating Platform or Gyroscope.
Replacement torsion bands for the Gravitational Torsion Balance (AP-8215A).
Includes 80 experiments in mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics, electricity and magnetism. CD included.
Allows students to conduct experiments to measure the speed of light. Reflect a laser off a movable mirror into a light receiver to measure phase differences.
The Stress Strain Apparatus lets students observe stress and strain as they stretch a material to the point of fracture.
Replacement Spheres and collars for the Gravitational Torsion Balance (AP-8215A). Designed to convert to Tungsten while maintaining the proper large sphere dimensions.
Allows a rotary motion sensor to mount on a Dynamics Track and act as a high resolution bi-directional Smart Pulley.
Used for measuring the temperature of liquids, air, and other materials. ScienceWorkshop Version.
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