Product Details
Motor for solar cell
Motor with propeller on stand, equipped with safety sockets.For use with solar cell 488500, for example.
Motor with propeller on stand, equipped with safety sockets.For use with solar cell 488500, for example.
Allows a rotary motion sensor to mount on a Dynamics Track and act as a high resolution bi-directional Smart Pulley.
Accurately measures position, velocity, and acceleration of a target. ScienceWorkshop version.
Designed for experiments involving low light level conditions. ScienceWorkshop version.
Allows students to conduct experiments to measure the speed of light. Reflect a laser off a movable mirror into a light receiver to measure phase differences.
Allows students to measure angular velocity, acceleration, centripetal forces, and other full range of motion experiments.
LED Light Source with adjustable brightness control, for use with Millikan Oil Drop Apparatus.
The Stress Strain Apparatus lets students observe stress and strain as they stretch a material to the point of fracture.
Used for measuring the temperature of liquids, air, and other materials. ScienceWorkshop Version.
Combines features that significantly improve the ease of setup, the durability of the Torsion Band and the quality of results. In the newer models the spheres are tungsten rather than lead.
Includes 80 experiments in mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics, electricity and magnetism. CD included.
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