Product Details
Distillation set, large
Glass construction kit for organic chemistry. The individual parts are with NS 19/26 and NS 24/29 grinding.
The set consists of:
- 3 round flasks with NS24/29, 50 mL, 100 mL and 250 mL
- 3 PE plugs (2 NS19/26 and 1 24/29)
- 1 drop catcher NS19/26. Angled exhaust pipe
- 1 Drip funnel 100mL 19/26
- 1 Liebig swallows NS19/26. Cooling jacket 250 mm. total length 370 mm
- 1 piece of press tube NS19/26 – 200 mm long
- 1 piece of press tube, vacuum. Cap NS19/26, cone NS24/29
- 1 multi-adapter 1 cone NS24/29 + 3 sleeves NS19/26
- 1 pc distillation manifold NS19/26 (thermometer cover 14/23)
- 1 pc Thermometer adapter – 14/23.
- 1 reduction adapter cone 24/29 cover 19/26
- 1 air intake pipe (Air leak / steam inlet)