Product Details
Cable, 3.5 mm Jack to safety connectors
Connector 1: 3.5 mm Jack, maleConnector 2: Two safety connectors, male/female100 cm.
Connector 1: 3.5 mm Jack, maleConnector 2: Two safety connectors, male/female100 cm.
Combines features that significantly improve the ease of setup, the durability of the Torsion Band and the quality of results. In the newer models the spheres are tungsten rather than lead.
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An extra 3-step Pulley for PASCO’s Rotary Motion Sensors.
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Allows students to measure angular velocity, acceleration, centripetal forces, and other full range of motion experiments.
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Replacement test coupons for the Stress/Strain Apparatus.
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LED Light Source with adjustable brightness control, for use with Millikan Oil Drop Apparatus.
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Allows students to study the behavior of a physical pendulum in either harmonic or chaotic motion.
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Replacement Spheres and collars for the Gravitational Torsion Balance (AP-8215A). Designed to convert to Tungsten while maintaining the proper large sphere dimensions.
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$0.00Already Added
This system is ideal for hands-on experimentation with basic circuits and includes more components than the Basic Set, as well as sensors. It is a component of the Essential Physics program.
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A 400 turn wire coil on one end of a wand that has two terminals at the other end to accommodate banana plug contacts, permitting easy connection of an electric circuit.
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Allows the students observation of velocity of drop rising in an electric field, then permits calculation of the force on the charge carried by the oil drop.
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