Colour filter, foil, cyan
Colour filter, foil, cyanTransparent colored foil in a roll of 50 x 122 cm.
Colour filter, foil, primary blue
Colour filter, foil, primary blueTransparent colored foil in a roll of 50 x 122 cm.
Colour filter, foil, primary green
Colour filter, foil, primary greenTransparent colored foil in a roll of 50 x 122 cm.
Colour filter, foil, primary red
Colour filter, foil, primary redTransparent colored foil in a roll of 50 x 122 cm.
Colour filter, foil, yellow
Colour filter, foil, yellowTransparent colored foil in a roll of 50 x 122 cm
Colour wands
Colour wandsThree sets of 6 colored plastic plates for illustration of color mixing.
Concave/convex acrylic mirrors, small
Concave/convex acrylic mirrors, smallMirror-coated plastic sheet. Mirror coated on both sides and shaped like a hole mirror.
Dynamics Track Optics Carriages (Set of 4)
Dynamics Track Optics Carriages (Set of 4)Allows students to use the Dynamics Track and PAStrack to be used as an optical bench.
Lens and aperture holder
Lens and aperture holderHolder for loose Ø 50 mm lenses and 50 x 50 mm apertures.
Lens set
Lens setThis prism set consists of 7 different prisms made of clear acrylic for use in optical experiments.
Optics Storage Tray
Optics Storage TrayThe Optics Storage Tray is designed to hold components included with the Physics Lab Station Optics set. The foam in the tray keeps each component organized and easy to view.