Mini Sonometer
Mini SonometerInstead of a one-off demonstration use the mini-sonometer to give your students hands-on experience of sound production.
The apparatus is constructed on an acrylic base with hardwood sides measuring 650 × 100mm overall. It has an integral pulley, wire clamp and half metre scale.
Monkey and Hunter
Monkey and HunterAn essential part of projectile studies is the ‘Monkey and Hunter’ problem.
Monkey Replacement
Monkey ReplacementA replacement monkey for the Monkey and Hunter apparatus.
Mounted Component Buzzer
Mounted Component BuzzerA piezo buzzer giving a high pitched continuous note with a supply voltage in the range 2 to 16V.
Mounted Component Diode
Mounted Component DiodeSilicon diode suitable for all circuit work including rectification.
Maximum current 1A.
Mounted Component Holder
Mounted Component HolderStandard 4mm laboratory leads plug directly into the two crocodile clips. Any wire-ended component can be supported between the clips for connection into a circuit.
Mounted Component LDR
Mounted Component LDRA light sensitive resistor for use as a sensor in electronic circuits. Resistance varies from > 1MΩ in the dark to about 200Ω in full sunlight.
Mounted Component LED Red
Mounted Component LED RedMounted LED’s fitted with protection resistors an available in three different colours.
Mounted Component Logic NOT Gate
Mounted Component Logic NOT GateThese common single logic gates are conveniently mounted on robust acrylic bases with 4mm sockets.
Mounted Component MES Lampholder
Mounted Component MES LampholderA robust MES lamp-holder which can take normal torch bulbs of any voltage rating. Available with or without 6V bulb