Slide Carrier
Slide CarrierA simple acrylic carrier to hold standard slides 50 x 50 x 2mm such as Young’s slits
Product code: LA20-882
Space Tube
Space TubeA modern replacement for the Bell in a Bell Jar Apparatus. A 90mm diameter acrylic tube houses a battery-operated, high output piezo sounder.
Spare Tube For Polarimeter
Spare Tube For PolarimeterA flat bottomed glass tube of the type used in the Student Polarimeter
Spectral Lamp Power Supply
Spectral Lamp Power SupplyThe Lascells Spectral Lamp PSU features a specially designed inverter circuit design for low pressure sodium lamps. It delivers a high ignition voltage during start up, then the supply then drops to a consistent voltage and current to ensure reliable operation of spectral lamps. Featuring over-voltage protection and an easy-to-use interface, ensuring safe operation in educational settings.
Spectral Source
Spectral SourceThis unique unit has been specially developed to provide a varied range of light sources for examination by spectrometers.
Speed of Sound
Speed of SoundThis is an easy to use piece of apparatus for determining the speed of sound in air.
The unit contains two sensitive microphones connected to control circuity that will start and stop a Lascells millisecond or microsecond timer. Alternatively the outputs may be monitored on a storage or pc oscilloscope.
Splat The Rat
Splat The RatFun and dramatic demonstration of Lenz’s Law. Interactive and entertaining demonstration of induced currents and magnetic fields. Lenz’s Law can be demonstrated using the standard Eddy Current Tubes whereby a magnet falls through a copper tube at a slower rate than an un-magnetised weight.
Static Cell
Static CellWhen insulating materials rub together, electrons transfer from one to the other and, since the charge cannot be conducted away, the charge is retained on the surface.
Stationary Wave Apparatus
Stationary Wave ApparatusCompletely self-contained and ready to use at a moment’s notice with minimal setting-up required. Just connect a laboratory signal generator (not included) to the 4mm sockets of the integral vibration transducer, adjust the tension in the string to the required value by sliding the spring balance assembly and away you go.
Stress Structure Set
Stress Structure SetA set of four additional shapes for use with the polaroid analyser and a sheet of material 200 × 200 × 2mm from which other shapes may be cut.
Super C
Super CA 10F capacitor with protection circuitry. Charge for 30s and power an LED for many hours.
Switched Power Supply
Switched Power SupplyA traditional switched power supply which uses established PSU technology to provide a smoothed power supply suitable for all laboratory applications which require a rugged source of emf at either AC or DC.
Switched Psu Mkll
Switched Psu MkllA traditional switched power supply which uses established PSU technology to provide a smoothed power supply suitable for all laboratory applications which require a rugged source of emf at either AC or DC.
An internal mechanism disconnects the output when the voltage setting is changed ensuring that the switch contacts are protected from overload and the unit can be locked at any setting by means of an Allen screw located on the front panel.
Thermal System Aluminium
Thermal System AluminiumThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g aluminium block (brass and steel also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40 C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermal System Brass
Thermal System BrassThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g brass block (aluminium and steel also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40˚C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermal System Steel
Thermal System SteelThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g steel block (brass and aluminium also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40 C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermistor System
Thermistor SystemThis apparatus contains an NTC bead thermistor with a nominal resistance of 4.7kΩ in a glass tube with electrical connection made by means of 4mm flying leads.
Timer Light Gate
Timer Light GateAn infra-red beam, high speed light gate for use with Lascells timers. The attached cable is terminated by a 3.5mm jack plug which fits directly into the timer so that no other connections are required.
Trans-RatioTrans-Ratio is a fully self-contained transformer system which enables students to investigate turns ratios and efficiency with the minimum of complication.