Swivel stand for bar magnet
Swivel stand for bar magnetTo hold a bar magnet, and demonstrate repulsion and attraction. Made from nickel-plated brass.
Tape Timer Supplies
Tape Timer SuppliesReplacement rolls and carbon paper discs for Tape Timer.
Telescope/MicroscopeStudent experiment using an optics bench to build telescopes for use with a viewing screen.
Temperature Sensor
Temperature SensorUsed for measuring the temperature of liquids, air, and other materials. ScienceWorkshop Version.
Tension Protractor
Tension ProtractorA spring scale and a protractor integrated into one device. Perfect for vector analysis of forces.
Terminal post, insulated
Terminal post, insulatedEquipped with Ø 30 mm Plexiglas insulator.
Terminal post, uninsulated
Terminal post, uninsulatedØ 10 mm terminal post with insulated terminal screw.With socket for safety leads.
Tesla Meter
Tesla MeterIdeal for measuring the large magnetic fields associated with Alnico magnets, coils and beta spectrometers.
TeslameterA simple, user-friendly instrument designed to measure strong magnetic fields, e.g. from AlNiCo magnets, coils or electromagnetic experiments.
The Current Balance Accessory Kit
The Current Balance Accessory KitAn accessory to the Basic Current Balance (SF-8607) that allows the angle between the conductor and the magnetic field to be varied.
Thermal System Aluminium
Thermal System AluminiumThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g aluminium block (brass and steel also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40 C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermal System Brass
Thermal System BrassThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g brass block (aluminium and steel also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40˚C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermal System Steel
Thermal System SteelThis new approach to measuring Specific Heat Capacity provides a self-contained apparatus to replace the traditional metal blocks and immersion heaters. A 300 g steel block (brass and aluminium also available) is mounted on an insulating base with a heating element attached to the underside. The block has a 4mm hole for data-logging probes, thermometer hole and felt insulating jacket. The heater is 30 W at 12 V and requires a standard laboratory power supply to provide up to 3 A. Typical temperature rises are 40 C in 5 minutes providing a convenient investigation for students using thermometers and stopwatches as well as computer based data systems. Full instructions and theory included.
Thermistor System
Thermistor SystemThis apparatus contains an NTC bead thermistor with a nominal resistance of 4.7kΩ in a glass tube with electrical connection made by means of 4mm flying leads.
Thermoelectric Generator Demonstrator
Thermoelectric Generator DemonstratorBring the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics to life.
Thermogenerator with motor
Thermogenerator with motorConsists of a Peltier element constructed of 127 series-connected rods of a semiconductor material mounted on a heatsink. The Peltier element can be connected via a switch to two safety sockets ( Peltier effect position ) or to a small motor with propeller ( Seebeck effect position ).
Thin I-Beams
Thin I-BeamsSet of replacement thin I-Beams in two lengths, for use with structures systems.
Thomson’s jumping ring
Thomson’s jumping ringFor demonstrating magnetic repulsion caused by the induction current in a closed ring.