Mounted Component Solenoid Coil 3V
Mounted Component Solenoid Coil 3VProduct code: SX100-121
Mounted Component Thermistor
Mounted Component ThermistorA bead thermistor with rapid response for use as a temperature sensor. Resistance varies from 15kΩ at 0 degrees to 300Ω at 100 degrees.
Mounted Microphone
Mounted MicrophoneA Dynamic coil microphone giving 20-50mV output with the human voice.
Mounted Potentiometer 470ohm
Mounted Potentiometer 470ohmA full range of variable resistors suitable for electronic investigations. 0.25W linear
Mounting bench, Risø sources
Mounting bench, Risø sourcesComplete mounting bench for Risø sources*) and GM tubes, which provides a stable platform for experiments with radioactivity.