Knife Switches
Knife SwitchesSingle-pole, single-throw knife switch with screw terminals and a Bakelite base.
Kundt’s (resonance) tube, plexiglass
Kundt’s (resonance) tube, plexiglassFor demonstrating standing waves and for determining the wavelength of sound in air.
Laboratory Speaker
Laboratory SpeakerA quality, high-power (20W RMS 40W peak) 5” loudspeaker on a robust metal base suitable for all laboratory applications. The unit has a stylish, protective metal grill which can be easily removed to give access to the cone when required.
Laboratory Speaker
Laboratory SpeakerThe Laboratory Speaker is a quality, high-power (30W RMS) 4” loudspeaker on a robust metal base suitable for all laboratory applications.
Lamp holder E10, 2 connectors
Lamp holder E10, 2 connectorsLaplace Force Demo with Magnet
Laplace Force Demo with MagnetDemonstrates the forces on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field.
Laplace Force Demonstration
Laplace Force DemonstrationDemonstrate the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field.
Laplace’s Force apparatus
Laplace’s Force apparatusFor demonstrating the force on a conductor in a magnetic field.
Large Amplitude Pendulum Experiment
Large Amplitude Pendulum ExperimentThe complete solution for exploring the dependence of the period of a simple pendulum on the amplitude of the oscillation. This complete solution is designed for use with PASCO Capstone Software.
Large Structures Set
Large Structures SetWith all the components in the Advanced Structures Set, plus additional parts, this system allows for even bigger structures.
Laser pointer, green diode laser
Laser pointer, green diode laserHandheld battery-powered diode laser in pencil format that can be used for optics experiments, e.g. for studying the refraction of light in different materials.
Laser pointer, red diode laser
Laser pointer, red diode laserHandheld battery-powered diode laser in pencil format that can be used for optics experiments, e.g. for studying the refraction of light in different materials.
Laser pointer, violet diode laser
Laser pointer, violet diode laserHandheld battery-powered diode laser in pencil format that can be used for optics experiments, e.g. for studying the refraction of light in different materials.
Laser Receiver
Laser ReceiverA dual purpose receiver designed for use with the Lascells Dual Colour laser, the unit contains a planar chip photodiode tied to a 1Mhz amplifier for speed of light calculations along with an audio amplifier for demonstrating data transmission using light.
Laser Reflection Tank
Laser Reflection TankCreate textbook-perfect ray diagrams with the Lascells Laser Reflection Tank.
Laser Speed of Light System
Laser Speed of Light SystemAllows students to conduct experiments to measure the speed of light. Reflect a laser off a movable mirror into a light receiver to measure phase differences.
Launcher Sights
Launcher SightsReplacement aiming sights for the PASCO Projectile Launcher (ME-6800). 5-Pack.
Launcher Spares Kit
Launcher Spares KitReplacement supplies for the PASCO Projectile Launcher (ME-6800).
LCR-circuitLED Indicator
LED IndicatorWhen plugged into a detector coil, the LED flashes red or green as the detector coil passes through the magnet to indicate which direction the current flows through the detector coil.