Modular Circuits Expansion Kit
Modular Circuits Expansion KitExpansion pack for both the Basic and Essential Physics Modular Circuits Kits.
Mole Set
Mole SetThe Mole set contains four element specimens: Copper, Iron, Zinc and Aluminum. Each sample contains one mole, 6.02E23 atoms of the element.
Molecular Model Set
Molecular Model SetAn ideal set for introductory chemistry. All the components needed to create simple to complex molecules.
Monkey Replacement
Monkey ReplacementA replacement monkey for the Monkey and Hunter apparatus.
Monocular Digital Microscope (40-1000x)
Monocular Digital Microscope (40-1000x)Monocular Digital Microscope (40-1000x) and digital camera with 100x oil immersion lens.
Motion Sensor Bracket
Motion Sensor BracketEasily mount a Motion Sensor to the ceiling or vertical metal surface, such as a metal-backed whiteboard.
Motion Sensor Guard
Motion Sensor GuardA metal wire guard that protects the Motion Sensor (PS-2103A) when dropping objects from above the sensor.
Motor/Generator Demonstration
Motor/Generator DemonstrationThis sturdy kit clearly demonstrates single-phase AC and DC generators and DC motors. The brushes can be adjusted on the commutator to convert the generator from AC to DC.
Mounting Rods (10 pack)
Mounting Rods (10 pack)These rigid plastic pulley handles (14 cm long, 1.27 cm diameter) screw into a Super Pulley.
Multi-Channel Analyzer
Multi-Channel AnalyzerA multi-channel analyzer (MCA) sorts incoming pulses from an energy-sensitive detector (scintillation detector) into a large number of channels according to size.
Multi-Wire Spark Detector
Multi-Wire Spark DetectorThis apparatus gives a memorable and dramatic demonstration of the ionising properties of alpha particles. Alpha particles have short range but are very effective at ionising air.
Muon Observatory
Muon ObservatoryThis is included in the Complete Muon Observatory system and available separately.
Nature viewer with 2x and 4x magnif.
Nature viewer with 2x and 4x magnif.Versatile magnifier with two magnifications: 2x and 4x. A grid is printed at the bottom as a reference.
Neodymium Wand pk5
Neodymium Wand pk5A set of 5 acrylic wands each fitted with a powerful 12mm diameter Neodymium button magnet. The wands make the magnets safe for pupil use.
NeoZoom, binocular
NeoZoom, binocularBinocular zoom stereo magnifier with stepless magnification between 7x and 45x. The stereo magnifier has good, sharp optics and powerful mechanics. The eyepieces have a large light opening (glasses-friendly), and thus you get the greatest possible pleasure from the beautiful and high-contrast image. Optical head with 45° oblique view, adjustable eyepiece distance and separate dioptre compensation.
Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode
Nitrate Ion Selective ElectrodeThis ISE connects to the Wireless pH Sensor and allows students to measure the concentration of nitrate ions in aqueous solutions.
Nitrate ISE Solutions
Nitrate ISE SolutionsThese solutions are used with the Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode.
No-Bounce Pad
No-Bounce PadStop falling objects from bouncing with PASCO’s No-Bounce Pad. Prevents heavy objects from damaging the floor and prevents falling objects from being damaged at impact.
Objective 100x achromatic, N.A. 1.25, oil
Objective 100x achromatic, N.A. 1.25, oilUnit: Pcs
Objective 10x achromatic, N.A. 0.25
Objective 10x achromatic, N.A. 0.25Unit: Pcs