AR STEM Learning Tool Provides Immersive Learning for Young Students
The equation is simple. Combine a Purdue University-related startup with PASCO’s global reputation for delivering innovative teaching solutions and you have learning tools that teachers can use to help young students explore complex STEM concepts.
With an agreement announced last month, Explore Interactive has partnered with PASCO to distribute its award-winning MindLabs product. MindLabs: Energy & Circuits uses augmented reality technology and gamification to enable elementary-age students to explore energy and circuits in a fun, immersive way.
The classroom set’s guided engineering challenges provide step-by-step lessons that allow educators to teach energy and circuits concepts with engaging content that supports collaborative projects, that can even include the remote learner.
To truly appreciate this powerful learning tool check out the product page and the video Inspired STEM Learning. And, keep an eye out for future integrations with hands-on STEM solutions from this new partnership.